![]() UiTM Kedah was officiated on 1st October 1997 by YB Tun Daim Zainuddin, the Finance Minister. It started its first operation in November 1997 with 162 students and 25 administrative staff. The total of 162 students were recruited to follow apprenticeship programs consisting of Diploma in Accounting, Diploma in Public Administration, Diploma in Business Studies and Diploma in Banking. |

(Endeavour, Religious, Dignified)
- To expedite accessibility to higher education
- To provide world-class education
- To offer competitive academic programmes that fulfil market needs, spearhead national development and promote global prosperity
- To produce well-balanced, entrepreneurial graduates who are globally competent
- To strengthen the internationalisation of values via enhancement programmes
- To sustain organisational excellence through effective and efficient governance
- To champion impactful research through stronger research ecosystem
- To strengthen strategic alliance with alumni and industries
- To provide cutting edge ecosystem conducive for academic advancements
- To regulate cost-effective financial practices towards organisational sustainability
- Excellence
- Synergy
- Integrity
- Ilmu (Knowledge)
- Disiplin (Discipline)
- Amanah (Trustworthiness)
- Rajin (Diligence)
- Tanggungjawab (Responsibility)
I-DART are five important guiding principles that support UiTM’s shared organisational values. Aligned to UiTM’s mission and vision, they underpin the decisions we make and the work we do.
- Students
- Academics and Staff
- Parents
- Industry, and
- Stakeholders
All the basic needs for learning, teaching and research, as well as the surrounding environment fulfill the requirements of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency, the Ministry of Education and professional bodies;
All academic programmes are approved, managed and administered in accordance with the university’s rules and procedures;
All academic qualifications are recognised by the government, and fulfil the needs of the industry and the relevant professional bodies;
The conferment of degrees is carried out within the stipulated period after fulfilling all the necessary requirements;
Excellence in academic achievements is identified and duly awarded each year;
All proposals and official reports are acted on within a period of one week;
Be accessible at all times to provide to the community; and
Provide professional and customer-friendly services.
UiTM will provide services in accordance with the client charter as practised by the respective entities, namely, the faculties, branch campuses, divisions, institutes, centres and units.
Understand the rights of clients under the charter;
Observe all relevant regulations, directives, rules and guidelines;
Utilise all available facilities in a responsible manner.
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The logo incorporates four main colors:
Wujudmu di sini di tanah anak merdeka Bagai obor ilmu memayungi putra-putrinya Pelopor hidup, budaya bangsa, agama, negara Pembentuk akhlak manusia agar jadi sempurna Ku yang melangkah ke sini ingin mempelajari Rahsia di muka bumi dengan cara hakiki
Tunjukkan aku jalan ilmuMU untukku menuju Destinasi cita-cita negara dan bangsaku Majulah bangsa Maju negara Berkat usaha jaya MARA Kami berikrar akan berjasa Hingga kita Berjaya...demi bangsa Watikah yang ku miliki kan ku semat di hati Janjiku pada pertiwi untuk menabur bakti Ku sempurnakan seikhlas hati membela negara Doa restu ayah bonda ku untuk mu semua UiTM...Usaha Taqwa Mulia |
Bersatu kita warga UiTM
Kita bangsa perkasa Taat dan setia ku untuk negara Penuh semangat waja Kita...Jangan mudah terlupa Pengorbanan perjuangan anak bangsa Kita...Jangan mudah terleka Kemajuan keamanan yang ada Kita...Berterima kasih Pada pemimpin-pemimpin negara Kita...Rasa penuh bersyukur Kerahmatan, kemuliaan dariNya Kamilah Pendokong, pewaris bangsa Kamilah Pendaulat, bangsa Malaysia Kamilah Warga berwawasan Untuk negaraku |